Guidance for Pick a Card of 6/8/24

Card A ~ Waiting and being patient isn’t something that is easy to do. We realize this dear hearts. But waiting and patience is a necessary part of the physical world experience. You don’t expect a seed planted into the ground to immediately sprout a stalk do you? No you do not. You know that this is not possible. The same thing goes for your hopes and your dreams. Plant the seeds of your hopes and your dreams and then cultivate them. Nurture them. Then be patient. Before you know it a stalk will peak out of the ground. Amen

Card B ~ You are waiting and guarding yourself. This is OK as long as you do not block yourself off from the gifts that life is offering you. Keep a calm mind and an open mind. Pivot from negative thoughts and emotions to positive ones. Do this as often as you must to stay on the high flying disc. It is ok to fall and cling with one hand to the disc AS LONG AS YOU PULL YOURSELF BACK UP ASAP. Stay flying high, dear child. Stay flying HIGH. Amen

Card C ~ Do not take things so personally. The broken heart that you perceive is your perception and yours alone. Look at any situation causing you grief from a different perspective. Look from a positive lens rather than a negative lens. There is ALWAYS something positive in every perceived negative situation you endure in life. Let go of regret, sorry, control and give it up to God. All is well dear child. It really, really is. Amen