Guidance for Pick-A-Card of 6/25/24

Card A ~ Don’t spend all your time daydreaming and wishing your life away. Live in the NOW. This is your reality. It is not what happened yesterday and tomorrow is not a reality yet. Stay in the present and focus on your blessings. There is always something to be thankful for. You may have to be general with it such as being thankful that you are alive. Start from there and work your way forward counting the blessings. It will get easier as you move along. Amen

Card B ~ There is a lot of abundance coming your way. You need to keep your eyes open and your perspective clear. It is all in the way you view things. You can view life as a glass half full or a glass half empty. You have the choice to see the positive or to see the negative in every life experience and situation. If you always choose the positive perspective of the experience or situation, no matter how dire, it will not be as dire. It’s all about perspective. Change the way you look at your life and watch your life change. Amen

Card C ~ You like to be in control of all aspects of your life but you are quickly reminded that you don’t really have any control. It’s all an illusion. The only control you have is how you react to life experiences. The ones with the greatest emotions are the hardest for you to deal with. Step back and breathe. Everything’s gonna be OK. Go with the flow. It is time to put down the sword and stop fighting so hard. Relax. Your battle is not with others. It is with yourself. Give in and go within through spirituality, meditation and prayer. You will find a lot of comfort and the peace that you seek will be found within your higher spirit. Amen

PEACE AND LOVE ALWAYS ~ Laura with guidance from Franciscolean

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