Guidance for Pick-a-Card of 6/13/24

Card A ~ You should take a bow and be proud of yourself. You have just ended a period or a situation that you “slayed” so to speak. This is a time of great excitement. Commend yourself for your achievement! Now is the time to celebrate and then rest because life will have you back up at the pulpit ready to take on another experience. All is well! Amen

Card B ~ There is so much love in the world. Don’t be afraid that there isn’t enough love for you. The world is surrounded by love. Through love, you can grow, learn and expand your consciousness. Be open to love. Don’t close off your heart out of fear or worry. Be brave! Stand strongly in your essence. You have a lot to give the world! Don’t be afraid to take the first step. The first step is ALWAYS the hardest. Before you know it….you are running. Amen

Card C ~ You are going blindly into a situation and trusting the process. This is a big thing for you because in the past you guarded yourself and tried to control situations. You have realized that it is easier if you flow with a situation rather than try to control it. You can’t control others. You can only control yourself through the emotions you choose to allow to control you. All is well dear child. All is well. You are growing and evolving. Be proud. Amen