Guidance for Pick a Card of 5/28/24

Card A ~ You are in the middle of a journey that will be coming to an end in a couple of months – by the fall. It is important that you learn the lessons so that you don’t repeat the same mistakes as you travel forward in life. Have no regrets. Forgive yourself and others. Come from a spiritual perspective rather than an ego perspective. Be mindful. Live your life open-eyed. Amen

Card B ~ Any lack in your life that you are feeling can be fulfilled if you connect with your Higher Spirit on a regular basis. There is never any lack in the space of your Higher Spirit. There is only love and light. It is the highest vibration that you can encounter. Go there and dwell when you find yourself in a lower vibration. Constant meditation and prayer will help pull you back up onto the ledge. Amen

Card C ~ A destruction or dismantling is necessary to rebuild. If you want to renew a house, you bring everything down to the foundation and build anew. The same goes for relationships. If you want to renew a relationship, bring it back to the basics. Strip it down to the foundation. Then you can begin to rebuild. Be conscious of the perspectives of others and the life experiences that they have endured and continue to endure and see how it shapes their perspective. All is well. The beauty of a storm is the renewal and cleansing it brings with it. Amen