Guidance for Pick a Card of 5/27/24

Card A ~ Self-inflicted wounds are the worst kind to have. You can choose to be your own worst enemy or your own best friend. The choice is always up to you. Unfortunately, humans are good at sabotaging themselves. Don’t fall into a cycle of victimhood. You aren’t a victim. You are a warrior. Amen

Card B ~ A message is on its way and it will be something that will help to shape your future. Be on the lookout. Regard any conversations as message bringers. You have the power to shape your future. It starts today with the choices you make. Be thoughtful and be open. Your future is in your hands. Amen

Card C ~ Don’t get caught up in wishing your life away. Be mindful and live in the NOW. Now is your reality – not yesterday and not tomorrow. Don’t live in regret and don’t live in wishful thinking. Be thankful for today and the gifts that it holds. This present time is your reality. Make the most of it! Amen