Guidance for Pick a Card of 5/19/24

Card A ~ There is so much love that surrounds you. You need to remember to shower yourself with love. You rely on other people to give you the love that you desire. It resides within you. It is within your Higher Spirit and is directly connected to Divine Spirit who sends a constant stream of love to you. Accept this love. Don’t reject it. Learn to love yourself first. Amen

Card B ~ You feel triumphant and powerful over a situation. Make sure that you are coming from a spiritual perspective rather than an ego perspective. The ego is selfish and boarish. The spirit is pure and positive. Allow your power to come forth through your spirit not your ego. Amen

Card C ~ Be patient. Good things come to those that wait. The best is yet to come. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Be patient. Be understanding of others – you never know what they are really going through. Have faith. Be hopeful. Learn to accept what you cannot control. Learn to flow with situations rather than adding resistance. Be one with the Universe – you already are – you just gotta believe. Amen