Guidance for Pick-a-Card of 5/14/24

Card A ~ You have an eternal partner in life. This partner is your Higher Spirit. You can connect to your Higher Spirit for guidance, grounding and/or peace. Whenever you need to feel loved, go within and you will receive the love that you need. Whenever you need confidence, go within and you will hear the words that will uplift you. Connect to your higher spirit daily through meditation and/or prayer and you will see that you are never alone. Amen

Card B ~ It is time to rest dear child. You are weak and weary and it is time to rest and rejuvenate yourself. Resting will strengthen you. Don’t run yourself ragged. It is not good for your emotional or physical self. Take time to nurture YOU. Take time for yourself. Quiet contemplation daily will be crucial to feeling better and more energized. Go within and reconnect with your Higher Spirit. The peace you seeks lies within that space. Amen

Card C ~ Do not feel overwhelmed. Do not feel defeated. These emotions are made up and you can choose or not to choose to give them power over you. Go within and connect to your Higher Spirit to hear the comforting words that you need to hear. You are stronger than you think. The old adage “God never gives you more than you can handle.” is a little skewed and hard to digest in times of direness. You can handle anything. God gives you opportunities to grow, learn and evolve. Free will gives you the choice to accept the opportunity or not. Amen