Card A ~ Don’t be afraid to take a step off of the ledge. You have been waiting at the edge for so long. Change and transformation cannot occur without action. Don’t fear the unknown. Don’t fear what will happen if you dip a toe in the water or better yet, take the first step. Your future is waiting. Amen
Card B ~ You must remove the blinders in order to see. Do not live a life in denial. Open your eyes and look at what you haven’t wanted to see. It is only then that things will improve. Don’t be afraid. The unknown holds many gifts for you. Look at the unknown with great anticipation of wonderful things to come. You must close one door in order for another to open. Amen
Card C ~ You are protecting yourself from a situation that you are also in denial about. It is time to remove the bandages that cover your eyes. It is time to go boldly into the future. Have faith that everything is working out in your best interest. All is well. It really is. Amen