CARD A ~ Just when you think you are in charge of your life you get thrown a curveball. You are all in charge of your destiny to a certain extent. The Universe will intervene when it feels growth and change needs to occur and you are being resistant. Go with the flow. Be easy with life. You can only control so much. Let go and let God… Amen
CARD B ~ You need to meditate and ask for guidance. The guidance you seek is waiting within your Higher Self that is directly related to Divine Spirit and your spirit guides. Ask for guidance and you will receive it. Trust that the messages you hear are Divinely sent. Great change and transformation can occur if you are Divinely guided. Amen
CARD C ~ You have a lot of worry weighing on your mind and you find keeping busy with little tasks is the way to alleviate the worry. UNFORTUNATELY, your strong mind keeps coming back to the worry at hand. You need to quiet your mind through prayer and meditation to receive a reprieve. You need to pivot every time your mind wants to go to that place called Worry and focus on something that brings you hope and joy. It won’t be easy but it isn’t impossible. Don’t let worry get the best of you. Amen