Guidance for Pick-a-Card of 12/6/23

CARD A ~ No matter what happens in your life, you are in charge of your growth and transformation. Look at each moment of life with great anticipation and positivity. The physical world holds many things that the spiritual world does not. There are many many lower vibrations that swirl within the physical realm: fear, worry, uncertainty, anger, etc. These lower vibrations are spurred and born of the EGO that each human being possesses. Try to come more from a spiritual place than an ego place when you are looking at things in life. It will bring you more peace and less fear. Amen

CARD B ~ The unknown is nothing to be feared. Look at the unknown as a precious gift waiting to be unwrapped. There are so many exciting elements of the unknown that you can play with. When you are looking at the unknown, you don’t know what is going to happen next. That is exciting! When you are looking at the unknown you are viewing a blank sheet to write on. That is exciting! Change your view of the unknown and you will remove fear and worry. Amen

CARD C ~ You are bound by your own insecurities and fears. It is time to remove the blinders and ties that bind you. You have the power to free yourself. Don’t look to others to free you. You have the power. Lean into it. You can reach it through meditation and prayer by connecting with your higher self. All is well. Free yourself and fly! Amen