CARD A ~ Not every relationship that you encounter is one that will last a lifetime. The sooner you accept this, the better off you will feel. Some people come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. There is always a purpose for every relationship and every encounter. Oftentimes, very brief encounters like talking to someone randomly at the grocery store are hard to recognize what the meaning of them are, but there are no coincidences in life. There is always a reason for every encounter you make. All is well dear child. Cherish the relationships in your life for as long as they occur. Amen
CARD B ~ There is something or someone that is taking your attention away from your focus in life. It is time for you to refocus your attention on what is important to you. Distractions keep your energy fragmented. You need to place all your attention on what you want to achieve or improve. Push distractions to the side. Allow thoughts in your mind to come and gently float on by. All of your energy needs to be placed on the areas that you find most important to you at this time. Amen
CARD C ~ Great change is coming for you and it will be transformative. You will transform in ways that you never dreamed possible. Go within and do some soul-searching through meditation. Ask your Higher Spirit what you need to be focusing on to improve yourself and your lifestyle. You have the power at this time to make great changes in your life that will manifest a greater future for you. You have the power. Use it. Amen