Guidance for Pick-a-Card of 10/25/24

Card A

Things are moving quickly now. There is a lot of action. Use this energy to create and accomplish what you want to complete. This goes for projects that have been going on for a long time. If there is something that you have been wanting to do, GO FOR IT! Now is the time. Amen

Card B

You may be feeling overwhelmed or just exhausted. Either way, you are being given the message to slow down and rest. You need to rest to rejuvenate your soul. Once you regain your strength, be prepared to start a new journey. This could be emotional, a relationship, searching for something or improving yourself. Whatever it may be….make sure you have the energy to begin. Amen

Card C

You are really good at juggling tasks. Make sure that you keep everything in balance. Don’t spread yourself too thin in one area that causes other areas to suffer. You can stay balanced if you stay focused and mindful. It is never too late to start again. Amen

Peace and Love Always ~ Laura with guidance from Franciscolean

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