Guidance for Pick-a-Card of 10/22/24

Card A ~

You are looking toward the future and that is a good thing, but make sure you are living in the NOW because NOW is your REALITY. The future is unwritten and you have the power to create your destiny through your actions of today. Look towards the future with hope and great expectation but keep your feet firmly grounded in the HERE and NOW. Amen

Card B ~

You may feel like you are juggling a lot of things today. Try to remain grounded by listing all the things you need/want to accomplish. Having a list will keep you focused and allow you to cross off everything on your list. If changes are needed, then take the time to focus on the situation and come up with an action plan for change. You will transform through change. All is well. Amen

Card C ~

You may feel that justice needs to be served in a certain situation. You are not the judge and jury. You are the innocent bystander. Time will reveal and justice will be served. Worry not about that. Worry about yourself – your integrity, values, morals, and actions. Do not worry so much about others. Karma always finds its way… Amen

Peace and Love Always ~ Laura with guidance from Franciscolean

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