Guidance for Pick-a-Card of 10/18/24

Card A:

You may have been feeling like you have been fighting the world lately. This has caused some frustration and exhaustion and it is time to rest. Focus on yourself today. Do things that nourish your body and soul. Eat comforting food and drink comforting drinks. Take a few walks during the day. Surround yourself with positive people. You will soon feel a shift in your emotions and it will be reflected in your experiences today. Amen

Card B:

Peace comes from within so don’t look for it in other people. This message reminds you not to have any expectations of others and you won’t have disappointments. We understand that this can be difficult and seem almost impossible, but with patience and practice it can be achieved. Go within when you feel unsettled and you are searching for peace. Find a quiet place to be alone and focus on yourself. Close your eyes, focus on your breath, and connect with your Higher Spirit. That is where you will find the peace that you seek. Amen

Card C:

You are in the beginning/middle of a journey of yourself and it is important that you remember to be kind to yourself along the way. You will have many emotions surface that you have suppressed over the years. It is important that you face them with courage and strength and let them go. Let go of any self-sabotaging behavior and forgive yourself and others. The past is the past. It cannot be changed. It is OVER. Once you recognize this and focus on the NOW which is your REALITY AT ALL TIMES, then it will be easier to let go of the past and it’s pain and heartache and move bravely into your NOW REALITY. Amen

Peace and Love Always ~ Laura with Guidance from Franciscolean

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