CARD A ~ You worry more about finances than you need to. Of course, it is important to understand your financial situation so that you can keep it stable and thriving but obsessing over it with an attitude of lack or not having enough is only going to bring more lack. Instead, shift your perspective to one of growth and abundance. You reap what you sow. If you want more money in your bank account, then take action. See where you can save money (stop buying impulsively every day) and soon you will see growth. Amen
CARD B ~ You must tear down a building before you can build it back better. There are times in your life when you will experience destruction which clears the way for new growth. Do not cry over these moments, but rather, rejoice! You must make room for new things to enter your life. There is nothing to be scared of with change. Be thankful and use change to grow, improve and learn. This is necessary. Choose to consciously evolve. Embrace any destruction occurring in your life and you will flow through it much easier. Amen
CARD C ~ Be careful not to judge others. That is not your place. Reserve judgment of others. Everyone has a unique life experience and perspective. Sometimes you don’t understand another’s perspective and that is ok. You aren’t supposed to. It is unique unto them. Pause before you make a knee-jerk judgment over another. Have compassion for everyone that crosses your path or enters your path. Their song of life is different than yours. Respect it. Amen