Card A ~ Don’t wish your life away. Life experiences are meant to be felt and indulged. Unwanted life experiences hold more impactful lessons than wanted ones. Count your blessings on a daily basis. At times, you may need to recognize them on a minute-by-minute basis. Indulge in this life experience you are living at this moment. Find the good in it. Amen
Card B ~ The number three is a powerful number. It is the sacred number of the Mind/Body/Spirit – the three elements of the human existence. This guidance is a reminder to balance your Mind/Body/Spirit on a daily basis. Make sure that you are giving time and energy to the improvement and growth of all three. Perform daily activities to stimulate your mind: puzzles, reading, drawing, etc., for your body: exercising and stretching, for your spirit: praying and meditating. Amen
Card C ~ If you have been having some hiccups in your romantic partnership, this guidance is being sent to tell you to place your attention and intention on your relationship. Be mindful. Look for ways to improve communication. Spend quality time together this weekend. Don’t take each other for granted. Let your loved one know how much they mean to you. Amen