Card A ~ What is it you wish for? What dreams do you want to come true? Don’t give up on your wishes or your dreams. Keep them alive by noticing them every day. It is one thing to wish for something, it is another thing to go for it. For instance, if you want a romantic partner you don’t expect him or her to walk up to your door and knock. No…you do things to put yourself in the situation to meet a romantic partner. Take action. Today. Amen
Card B ~ We want you to nurture a partnership today. This could be your romantic partner, a relationship with one of your kids or a friendship. Remember that relationships are like gardens. Tend to the garden and watch it grow. Ignore it and watch it die. It is as simple as that. Bring communication to the table. Go deep with your partner. All is well. Amen
Card C ~ Temptation comes in many shapes and sizes. For someone trying to lose weight, the temptation may come in the form of a big piece of chocolate cake staring back at them through the bakery case. For someone who isn’t happy in their romantic relationship, this could come in the form of another person who makes them feel happy. Whatever temptation may come to you, ask yourself whether indulging in the fleeting experience is worth it. Then act appropriately. Amen