Guidance for Pick a Card of 1/15/24

Card A ~ You have control over your finances whether you believe it or not. If things seem tight financially, look for ways strategic ways to manage your finances. Do an assessment of all your bank and credit card accounts. Cut out any frivolous spending. Cut out any recurring charges that you don’t use or use enough. Tap into your higher spirit and ask for guidance. You can control your finances. You just have to be proactive. Amen

Card B ~ You have started a journey of love. This could be searching for a romantic partner. We want you to go with the flow and don’t put up any resistance. Don’t judge those that come onto your path. If they resonate with you then great. If they don’t then let them move on. Remember that everyone is on their own journey. Not everyone is intended to walk the path with you. Amen

Card C ~ It takes two to tango. It takes two to complete a pair. It takes two halves to make a whole. Focus on your partnership with another today. You can get more accomplished in a shorter period of time if you share the task. You will find that your time can be used more efficiently when you do this. Perhaps you need an assistant or just a helper? Don’t rule out asking one of your kids. Amen