Card A ~ Spend time with your loved ones today. Do something that is fun and frivolous. Act like children. Don’t worry about what others may think. Be open eyed to the wonders of life. It is a new year – a new beginning – another chance to reset and start all over again. Rejoice in this special day. Amen
Card B ~ The way to get over a broken heart is to mend it by loving again. Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable. Don’t be afraid to trust love. Don’t be afraid to take another chance. If you never take a chance, you never get to revel in the beauty of love. There is great power in love. Have faith and trust. Amen
Card C ~ You are on the beginning of a journey of self-discovery and self-improvement. This a time when you can achieve a lot. There will be an abundance of growth if you allow it. Focus on yourself. This is not a selfish act. This is a loving act. Look at it as such. How can you improve yourself? Set some goals for the new year. Amen