Expansion is not necessarily an automatic feature in humans. Expansion is linked to spiritual ties – your Higher Self connected to Divine Spirit – that is somewhat automatic, but must be cultivated to successfully expand. In simpler terms, you must be willing to put in the work to improve and evolve consciously to expand to reap the benefits of expansion.
Growth is inevitable. Every being in the physical form grows from birth to adolescence to adulthood and then on to return to the spiritual world through transformation or in other words, Death. This growth is automatic. It is inevitable. It happens every second of every day. You can consciously evolve during this growth and expand your spirituality in each passing moment if you focus and you make the effort to improve and expand. The expansion is on a spiritual level, but it occurs on a physical plane.
Opening up and allowing your Higher Self to take the lead in your life is the best way to expand. Begin to pull back the layers of Ego to expose your spiritual self and think and act more appropriately like Divine Spirit. Unconditional pure Love and Light emits from Divine Spirit and it can be tapped into through the everlasting connection that is made through your Higher Self. Meditation is the fastest way to get there. Revel in the glow of Divine Love. Carry it over into the physical world through your words, guidance, and actions. Amen.
*excerpt from my book “Spiritual Guidance for the Physical World” available for purchase on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1657808270