Life experiences create your inner psyche that your ego enjoys feeding. This inner psyche is controlled by your ego and often beats you up with negative thoughts. Your ego is brilliant at putting you down better than anyone else, because it is an extension of your consciousness that has reacted to experiences in life that were not positive. Your ego is a master at breaking you down, making you feel insecure, unworthy, unprepared or nervous and scared.
As you experience life, these moments shape your thoughts about yourself. Your ego reminds you of these thoughts as they become inherent and mold your personality. Your memories can easily conjure up an experience that made you feel less than or scared or ill prepared, etc. This image or memory can replay over and over in your mind until it becomes a belief. The words that you keep repeating to yourself become beliefs after continuous repetition. It is possible to break the cycle and affirmations are the way.
Affirmations are a great way to uplift yourself and to retrain your brain. Affirmations can allow you to retrain your brain by replacing the negative thoughts or words with its positive equivalent. It takes daily practice, often practicing many times during the day, until your brain is rewired to think positive thoughts about yourself rather than negative.
Create a list of ten positive affirmations to recite every morning after you wake up. Here are some to start with: I am Beautiful. I am Hopeful. I am Resilient. I am Positive. I am Successful. Tape your affirmations next to your bathroom mirror and recite them every day. With time, you will begin to notice a difference in your perspective of yourself. You will begin to be kinder to yourself and others. For many, changing a thought pattern will be a life-long process, but it is not an impossibility. Let your thoughts grow flowers in your mind’s garden, not weeds.