adventure, blonde hair, exploring


One of the exciting things about life is the unwritten journey.  We all have the power to create our own unique path.  We can bring to reality the life that we envision, but it doesn’t always come to life the way that we envision it.  Life is unpredictable and, in its unpredictability, come many surprises and many fears. 

Not knowing what is around the next bend of life can cause you to be uneasy and fearful.  It is the great unknown of what is up ahead that makes you uneasy.  There are times when the path changes abruptly.  Where you were once on a path that you could see unfolding clearly before you, suddenly it changes and you are headed in a direction that is unexpected, unknown and unwanted.  Life is so good at shaking things up!  You still have control in these moments.  You have the power to change your fear into hope and exciting anticipation.  All you have to do is change your perspective. 

Let’s face it, you can’t control everything in your life.   Actually, there is not much you can control, but what you CAN control can be very beneficial to your quality of life.  You can start by controlling your outlook and your perspective about life.  Once you change this, you start to change the dynamic. 

Choosing to see life from an optimistic and hopeful perspective rather than a fearful and worried perspective will take you down a path that will literally be created from your positive outlook.  You will start to notice how the pieces are falling in to place and the momentum will increase.   You will immediately feel a sense of control because you have decided to take control in the one area you CAN control – yourself – your emotions and your perspective.  It all starts with you. 

Letting go of everything you can’t control and focusing on what you can control will bring you an immediate shift in your outlook.  From there, you just follow the path where it leads you.  View the upcoming journey with excitement and hope.  Allow yourself to view life from this perspective and the ride will be much more exhilarating.