There is a lot of fear in the world and the energy is very high. This only makes the darkness stronger and denser. It feeds off of fear. Tell everyone that you know to pray and meditate to reach the peace within themselves. The more people that can come to a peaceful place will allow for the darkness to retreat back into the crevices of hell.

Worrying is an emotion that vibrates on a lower energy level. Worry comes from a lack of control, fear of an outcome, and fear of the unknown. Worry joins hands with fear and they make a strong couple that can cripple you and controls you. Don’t allow fear and worry to be the leaders of your life. Take back control in these times by focusing on your breath to calm yourself and then place your focus on something that brings you peace and calmness. Let go of the fact that you are not in control of anything more than your emotions and your vibration. The only thing that worry and fear are good for is robbing you of this moment’s happiness. It doesn’t change anything.

It is very important that the Earth be lit up instead of being darkened. Everyone should be in a gratuitous position as often as possible. Give thanks for the blessings in your life and place your focus there. Pay attention to what is meaningful to you in your life. Smile. Be kind. Love one another. Look for the good instead of the bad in each other. Listen. Respect different perspectives and allow them to teach you a new way to look at things. Be gracious. Explore. Learn. Allow change to transform you in a positive way. Listen to your heart. Meditate. Pray. Spread love out into the world. Be the light for others to follow. Amen.
Peace and Love Always ~ Laura
Excerpt from my book “Spiritual Guidance for the Physical World”. It is available for purchase on in paperback: or in Kindle format: