Today is a big deal for Christians. Easter may possibly be a more important holiday for Christians than Christmas because it is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Even if you are not a Christian or even a religious person, you can take away something from this holiday despite your religious choice or non-choice.

Spring is the re-birth of Earth as spring flowers bloom and animals that had been hibernating awaken. The concept of Easter and rebirth is something that we can all practice. In the Christian faith, Easter is a celebration of the three days that Jesus Christ was crucified, locked in a tomb and then on the third day, it is discovered that the tomb is empty and it is written in the Bible that Jesus Christ was resurrected. The Bible states that he ended up living another 40 days after his resurrection. This is a time to think about parts of yourself or your life that you want to bring back to life. Look to the parts of yourself that you have put on the backburner because of life getting in the way. Find the forgotten dreams that you left behind. Spend some time reflecting on yourself and your life and write down all the areas that you want to renew. Write down everything that comes to mind. You can dedicate the next 40 days after the Easter holiday to bringing back to life one of the things on the list that you created. Take the time to make goals and write what you are going to do to bring life back to an area of your life or yourself.

Whether you look at Jesus Christ as a Holy figure in Christianity or as just a man, he was documented to have lived his life as a teacher of love and kindness. This is a perfect time to pay attention to your emotions and practice using restraint against any negative emotions until you can come from a place of kindness and love instead of anger and frustration. This won’t be easy, but it is not impossible. Whenever you find yourself ready to snap or feel anger rising in you, immediately place your attention on your breathing and take slow deep breaths in and exhale slowly. Keep your focus on your breath until you can feel your anger dissipate and you feel calmer. Then go back to the situation. You may have to focus on your breath multiple times, but with practice, it will become automatic. Kindness and Love can permeate your life and when it does you will notice a shift in those around you as your example causes them to come from a place of Kindness and Love. If you are looking for love, start with yourself. If you don’t know how to love yourself, start with daily Meditation and simple Affirmations to help you to learn to love yourself. Our beliefs become what we are told on a regular basis. Change your thoughts to positive and loving ones and you will be on your way to finding love.

Lies and false claims caused Jesus to be crucified on the Cross, but he knew the truth. The truth can set you free and being truthful with yourself and others will help you to overcome what holds you back in life. If you are looking for hope, look to others to lift you up. When you open up to other people, you will be surprised by how they have stories like yours. Sharing experiences can give you hope in your situation and make you feel like you aren’t alone. You can go from hopeless to hopeful if you confide in others for emotional support and allow yourself to stay positive and openminded. Don’t breakdown ~ Breakthrough.