Whenever something shows up as a problem, it is trying to get your attention. If you direct your energy and attention to the problem and view it as an opportunity instead of an obstacle, you will soon see it transform. You can imagine it like a child who is doing behaving badly to get attention.
First, you want to approach the subject from a positive perspective. Once you are able to look at the subject from a different perspective, it will immediately begin to change. Repeating words such as “Everything happens for a reason” and “This too shall pass” are good things to say when you are facing unwanted situations.
Take a closer look at the situation and see where you can improve it. You will need to make a game plan and move towards it head on. Don’t fear it and don’t ignore it. This will end up becoming one of your greatest blessings and life changing events if you allow it. You have to navigate it from a place of positivity and love, not fear and intimidation. Allow your Intuition to take the lead.
Nothing is impossible. You can conquer and improve anything. All it takes is desire and the tenacity to follow through. Change your perspective and don’t look at your problems as problems. Change the description from problem to possibility and from obstacle to opportunity. Look at these moments as exciting opportunities to grow and strategize. Follow your Intuition and let it lead the way. Amen.