New beginnings are coming. Can you view this from a positive and hopeful perspective or a negative and hopeless situation. You hold the power in your perspective. Keep your eye on where you are headed.

LOVE: Don’t allow your desire for freedom sabotage your relationship. If you are feeling like you need more time to yourself, communicate it with your partner. It is healthy to have hobbies and habits that don’t include the other person and it gives you something to talk about. Be open to your partner if they are feeling this way and look at it from a hopeful perspective.

CAREER/FINANCE: Make sure any financial opportunities that come up are thoroughly examined. If you don’t understand the tax ramifications or loan repayment, consult a financial advisor.

HEALTH: Today is a good chance to practice mindfulness. You may be a little more clumsy today, so make sure that you take your time and are mindful of your actions and surroundings.

peace and love always ~ Laura