Believe.  Believe in yourself.  Believe that you can do, have or be whatever you want in this world.  It is up to you.  You have the power and the control, based upon your thoughts about the situation.  Offer positive thoughts.  Do not offer limiting thoughts.  Limiting thoughts hold you back.  Non-limiting thoughts keep you moving forward.  You can have what you want.  You can do what you want.  You can be who you want.  Be the best version of you that you want to be.  It is not a dream.  It is a reality if you look at it as such.  You can guide your life in a positive way or you can ride the seas of life on a raft with a hole in it.  After a while, you are treading water and will soon tire.  Keep the raft afloat by thinking thoughts that uplift you and others.  You can change the world with these thoughts.  All you must do is BELIEVE.