When you are feeling that you do not have enough, this is the time to focus on what you have. Place your attention to the blessings in your life and more blessings will come. It really is that simple.
The Art of Gratitude is vital in receiving more of what you are thankful for. In your days, come from a place of appreciation, instead of a place of frustration. Recognize when you are frustrated and pause. Bring your attention to something that pleases you that you are grateful for. This will change the emotion from frustration to appreciation immediately and you will notice your whole demeanor and wellbeing shift to the positive end of the spectrum.
At that moment, you will begin attracting situations and people that are on the positive end of the spectrum rather than the negative. You will feel an immediate sense of peace as you appreciate. How can you make today better than yesterday? Focus on your blessings in times of frustration and allow your appreciation to guide you through the day. Amen.