Honor yourself. Respect yourself. Love yourself. Change negative thought patterns that have developed over time and turn them into positive thought patterns. Your Ego is an expert at bullying. Your Ego is an expert at talking you out of many things that your Intuition tells you to do and that your Higher Self wants you to do. Your Ego is a master manipulator. Don’t allow your Ego to run your life.
You can overcome the habits and patterns of talking down to yourself. You need to practice positive lessons to overcome and turn your habits around. Affirmations are a good start. Every day recite Affirmations. Make a list of loving Affirmations and post them to your bathroom mirror. After you wake up, recite the Affirmations. Repeat multiple times during the day.

Talk to yourself in a positive and loving way. Talk to yourself as you would a lover or best friend. Boost yourself up. Don’t tear yourself down. Catch yourself when you are thinking negatively and immediately look at yourself or the situation in a positive way. You can always find something positive to focus on. No matter how small the positive insight is, it will be magnificent to your psyche.
With time you will train your brain to speak lovingly and positively to yourself. Allow your Higher Self to guide you. Push Ego aside. Meditate daily and ground yourself. Ask the Angels to intervene. Call upon Archangel Chamuel and ask for the power of self-love and improvement. Amen.
Excerpt from my book “Spiritual Guidance for the Physical World”. It is available for purchase on Amazon.com in paperback: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1657808270 or in Kindle format: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B083D5T4R8