I kept hearing the word “Acceptance” in my head this morning. “Acceptance”. “Acceptance”. “Acceptance”. Acceptance is much easier in the long run than Avoidance. Sure…it’s easy to avoid. It’s a matter of habit. We have all had the habit of avoidance at one time, or many times, over and over again in our lives. A habit is merely an ingrained exercise/action that becomes natural and second nature with time. If we can make negative actions habits, we can definitely make positive actions habits to replace their negative counterparts. So accept the past. Accept the present. Accept the here and now. It is what it is. Cliché, but true. Nothing is promised in this life – not your next breath, good health, a relationship, a long life. All we have is here and now. The present. Be mindful in the present. Let go of the past. Accept what was lived – good or bad – and release it. Let it go. It can do nothing for you in the here and now except haunt you with its memories. It will keep you chained in bondage, if you let it. It will remain your ghostly friend, forever by your side, if you allow it. Accept its lessons. Accept its growing pains. Accept its negativity. The negativity that allows you to sift through, accept and change your perspective to see in a positive way. Accept who you have become and who you are in this moment. Cling to the positive aspects of you and your life. Face the truth and release it. It is what it is….but it doesn’t always have to be. Accept it. Change it. Embrace it. Move beyond it. Become the you that you always dreamed of being. The only thing keeping you between this you and that you is avoidance…..and acceptance. Live Laugh Love.