Holding on to anger or negativity is equivalent to bondage. It keeps you locked in a place that you don’t really want to be. In order to release yourself, you must use the key of forgiveness. You don’t have to accept the actions of another, but forgiving them will release the emotions that are attached to the situation and allow the energy to flow in a positive direction. In order for a negative to become a positive, you must first have to release it. Perspective and unconditional love are two ways that can help you release and forgive. Everyone has their own perspective of a situation. It is quite possible that in a situation that hurt or angered you, the other person had a different perspective in which they didn’t realize their words or actions were going to hurt or anger you. Realize this and release it. We are all unique and we all have unique perspectives to life experiences. They build upon each other. Focus. Forgive. Release. Amen.