Listen to your intuition. It is your navigational system through life. Your intuition is always connected to your higher self which has a direct connection to Divine Spirit and the Spiritual world. It is unconditional love at its purest and only delivers a high vibration that you can refer to as positive emotions – happiness, certainty, hopefulness, faith. Your intuition is your co-pilot. It guides you on this journey and leads you to where you need to be. You can lead or you can allow your intuition to lead. You will find the journey to be a lot smoother when you follow your intuition. Have you ever noticed in hindsight, when you have decided not to follow your intuition and decided to take the reins yourself, that the journey becomes more challenging – road blocks popping up everywhere? Similarly, have you ever noticed when you followed your intuition, how everything just easily fell into place? There are lessons to be learned along the way on the journey of life that spur growth and knowledge. Follow your intuition. You will be surprised where the journey leads you. The light is there – Follow it.