You can renovate your inner being and specifically your inner voice, which tells you things that are hurtful to your psyche.  We are all too hard on ourselves – our own worst enemy – our own worst critic.  Be gentle with yourself.  You should show compassion and love to yourself before any others.  It starts with you.  If you cannot love yourself, you will never truly love another.  Poisonous words are infectious.  They permeate inside your mind and marinate.  When you say negative things to yourself over and over again, eventually the words become beliefs and then you start to become the person you are creating with your negative self-talk.  You can retrain your brain – your inner voice – to speak lovingly, and then, you can become the person that you are, but are not allowing yourself to be.  It isn’t easy.  It doesn’t happen overnight.  It is practice, practice and more practice.  It is learning to catch your negative thoughts, flipping the switch and creating positive thoughts.  You can be the person you want to be.  It just takes practice, patience, persistence and LOVE.