
When you are feeling indecisive, that is the time it is most important to go within and speak with your higher self.  Your higher self is always connected to Divine Spirit.  You will get answers and guidance from this Source.  Have faith that the messages you receive are from Divine Spirit and not ego driven.  Sometimes the hardest decisions – most times the hardest decisions – are the ones that bring the greatest growth.  Do not let fear keep you from making an important decision in your life.  Faith and belief will take you a long way in conquering fear.  Fear is nothing more than the ego trying to control the situation.  It is the little voice inside your head that says: “I’m not good enough.  I will fail.  I can’t do this.  They will laugh at me.  They won’t take me seriously.”  Follow your intuition.  Your intuition is your navigational system and will ALWAYS steer you in the direction your life is supposed to journey to next.  Don’t push away intuitive thoughts that you don’t like.  That is the time when you need to listen the hardest.  Your intuition is your soulmate.  Join your soul in navigating your life.   Peace – Love – Light, Blessed Being.