Guidance for Pick a Card of 5/16/24

Card A ~ Oh dear heart, do not stab YOURSELF in the heart by judging yourself or being down on yourself. Lift yourself up with affirmations of HOPE and TRUTH. We want you to come from a spiritual place rather than an ego place. Look at yourself as if looking through the eyes of Christ. Come from a Christ centered Consciousness. What do we mean by that? Christ was loving and pure. He was able to heal others because he BELIEVED he could. We ask you to believe in yourself. Amen

Card B ~ Don’t be afraid to dip your toe in an area of life that you have never visited. Have faith that anything you want to try that is new will be successful! It will be successful in the learning aspect if nothing else. So go ahead and try something new! Go ahead and take a class if you are interested in learning something new or improving an area of yourself. Go boldly into the unknown with great expectations. Amen

Card C ~ You are very abundant. You may not see all the abundance that surrounds you. If this is the case, we ask that you look closer. Put the magnifying glass up to your eye and take a closer look at your life. Give thanks for the blessings that you possess. Be confident in your abundance and more abundance will arrive. Amen