Card A ~ You are feeling pretty confident right now in life and with a certain situation. This is a fluid situation so it is important that you DON’T get too comfortable in your position. Be ready to make some hard choices should they come up. Be ready to be confident in your choices. Don’t waiver. Don’t worry. Don’t allow fear to immobilize you. Stay confident! Amen
Card B ~ We want you to focus on all the blessings in your life. You have a lot of abundance. You also hold a lot of strength within you that you will need to rely on in the future. Remember that the strength resides WITHIN YOU not OUTSIDE of YOU. Remember that. Go within for quiet contemplation and prayer and meditation often. Talk to God. Talk to your Spirit Guides. Talk to your Angels and all the Angels and Archangels. Ask for assistance. They cannot intervene until asked. Amen
Card C ~ You are sitting back and waiting. What are you waiting for? Life passes by each and every second of the day. You get older every milli-second of the day. Don’t put off tomorrow what you want today. There are many things on the horizon that are worth waiting for but don’t sacrifice living in the NOW and taking advantage of this REALITY. Your reality is this moment in time – not yesterday and not tomorrow – NOW. LIVE IT FULLY. Amen