Card A ~ There has been some conflict in your life recently. The energy is hot and it is important that you retreat and allow it to cool down. Don’t continue to go at it with another. Let differences lie. Allow peace to wash over the situation. There will come an acceptance of both perspectives when you do. You will agree to disagree. Remember that everyone has free will. Amen
Card B ~ There is always two choices – at least two choices: Right/Wrong, Yes/No, Up/Down, In/Out. You get the picture. There is a balance with the number two. Don’t overwhelm yourself with too many choices to make. When you are uncertain of which choice to make, go inside yourself and ask for clarity from your spirit guides and angels. They cannot intervene until called upon. The answers will surprise you. Amen
Card C ~ The number two is the number of unions, partners, duality. It takes two to make a partnership. It takes two to be dual. It takes two to balance things out. Life is fluid. Relationships and anything having to do with duality requires fluidity. Don’t allow resistance to stop the flow. All is well. Amen