Crystal A ~ Don’t despair and don’t worry today. Today will be a good day if you believe so. It is all about perspective and belief. Choose to think positively instead of negatively. Choose to believe instead of not believing. This is the first part of manifesting the life that you want. Master that and master your life. Amen

Crystal B ~ How far can you throw a ball? Go outside with your kids or grandkids and find out! They will enjoy spending time with you and it will be a bonding moment for you both. You will be surprised that you “still got it” and being around kids will make you feel young again. Amen

Crystal C ~ The unknown holds many gifts. Don’t always want to know what is going to happen. Embrace the gifts the unknown holds. Look at the unknown as a surprise – a great surprise. Anticipate only great things are on the way because they are. Amen

Peace and Love Always ~ Laura with guidance from Franciscolean