Card A ~ Have faith. Don’t let your desires rule you. You need to maintain a balance between your desires and your reality. Your reality is the NOW that you are experiencing. It is not yesterday. It is not tomorrow. It is not a minute or a second ago. It is this very moment. You are creating your reality milli-second by milli-second. Don’t allow your desires to rule your thoughts or your energy or you will miss out on this moment of reality you are experiencing. We know that you may be experiencing something unwanted. Flow with it rather than throwing resistance against it. It will make going through the experience easier. Accept it and remember that you are just passing through. Amen
Card B ~ You are in the middle of a great transformation. You may not realize it but it is happening. Take a look at the experiences you have been experiencing lately and you will get a clue to the transformation occurring. You can benefit the most by being conscious of change and being a co-pilot to your higher spirit. Connect with your higher spirit through meditation or prayer and ask your spirit guides for guidance on how you can make a conscious contribution to this transformation. You will be delighted at what you hear! Amen
Card C ~ Open the lines of communication with your partner. When you close off communication, it causes a separation between the two of you. The separation leads to alienation and could ultimately lead to permanent separation. If you do not want this, then it is our solemn guidance for you to communicate with one another. Put your relationship first for a while. It may be challenging to some, but it is not impossible. Look at your relationship as you would a garden. Tend to it and watch it grow. Forget it and watch it die. It is that simple. Don’t fear expressing your emotions. It will be the best thing to happen for your relationship. Amen