Guidance for Pick a Card 11/28/23

CARD A ~ You are scared to take a leap and the guides are telling me to tell you to just go for it. Leap and the net will appear. Your journey won’t begin until you take the first step. Have faith that you are in control of your destiny. You will need to release something in order to move forward. Don’t be afraid to do so because you will be making room for something new to come in. Amen

CARD B ~ There is a domineering female energy attached to this message. She comes across as stern and protective but she is soft on the inside. she is a very strong energy. She wants to protect you and your heart. allow her to. This could be a spirit guide or a physical female in your life. Wear a clear crystal quartz around your neck for protection. Amen

CARD C ~ There is comfort in family. Family is described as those joined together in union. This doesn’t necessarily mean biological family. Friends that you choose can be just as much family as biological. Nurture and embrace these relationships. Remember that in order for a garden to grow, you must water it daily. Amen