Guidance for Pick a Card of 11/27/23

CARD A ~ Don’t be afraid to take a leap of faith. You need to take the first step in order to begin any journey. Don’t allow fear to hold you back. If you don’t try, you will SURELY FAIL. If you try, then you will have many opportunities to learn and grow. Great change will require great faith and great action. Be brave! Amen

CARD B ~ You can come to a peaceful resolution with someone if you look at the situation from a fair and non-judgmental perspective. Remember that everyone is on their own journey and they have their own unique perspective. You have the power to make a difference in someone’s life. Hold this power sacred. Come from a place of Divine Love through your Higher Spirit. Follow your intuition. Amen

CARD C ~ There is a lot of energy swirling around and time is speeding up. Hold on tight. You can ride this wave or you can let it swallow you whole. Be strong and calm. Rely on the inner strength that you possess to ride you through the storm. The peace you seek is within you. Reach for it through prayer and meditation. Amen