Guidance for Pick-a-Card of 11/21/23

CARD A ~ You are looking at a situation or a “problem” too closely. You need to pull back and broaden your perspective. When you look at the situation from a wider lens it won’t look so scary or undefeatable. Use this guidance for all aspects of your life, especially in the times when you are worried or feeling uncertain. Amen

CARD B ~ You have left a part of your life behind and you are now entering a new phase in life. Go forward with great hopeful anticipation and don’t worry so much about the unknown. Wonderful things wait for you on the horizon. Be confident and believe. You will soon see the new events unfolding. Amen

CARD C ~ You are ready to embark on a new journey. Your physical consciousness may need to catch up with your spiritual consciousness, but believe us, you are ready and the new journey is about to begin! Look at the unknown as a great surprise – a gift to be unwrapped. Only expect good things to happen. All is well! Amen