Card A – You are not defeated. You are never defeated. This is the time when you must use the quote: Fall down seven times, stand up eight. We are all inherently fighters. Survival comes naturally for us. Remember that it is ALWAYS the darkest before the dawn. Great things are coming your way! Amen
Card B – This is the time when you should spend time in solitude. Focus on yourself and what you want and need in your life – from your relationships, etc. Being alone and going within through prayer and meditation will allow you to connect to your Higher Spirit. Ask questions. Ask for guidance. Do a self-assessment and determine the areas of yourself that you want to improve. Consciously evolve! Amen
Card C – Oh dear child, you are stronger than you believe that you are! Remember your strength. It is your greatest asset for yourself and for others. Stay positive. You are in control of your destiny whether you realize it or not. Being mindful and consciously evolving is critical in creating the destiny that you want. Manifest it through this way! Amen
Peace and Love Always ~ Laura