CARD A ~ Sitting. Waiting. Wishing. Hoping. Your life seems to be a waiting game as of late. Make good use of this calm energy because soon things will be ramping up and the energy will become scattered and active. You need to learn to stay calm in the calmness. Practice this now when things are calm so that when things become erratic, you can apply this skill to that time. Amen
CARD B ~ Things are beginning to move quickly for you now. There is no reason to fear. Be confident in the direction you are headed. Stay level and keep things even. By this we mean everything in moderation. Don’t put too much energy into one single thing in your life. Balance is required! Amen
CARD C ~ The things you have been wishing for in your life will be blooming soon. You need to continue to be patient. It takes time for a flower to bloom. It also takes attention and nurturing. Look at all the aspects of your life as a flower (business, relationships, self). Remember that nothing happens over night and nothing blooms if you don’t place attention and love on it. Amen