Important Guide to Live By

Take care of your body and your body will take care of you.  This is physically and mentally speaking.  Fill your body with peaceful thoughts, not thoughts that are driven by Ego such as jealousy, fear, anger, insensitivity, lack of self-confidence. 

Turn to your Higher Self and listen to the messages that Divine Spirit sends you through your higher self.  These are messages of love, compassion, peace, sensitivity, charity, generosity, improvement, growth, conscious evolution, self-improvement, mindfulness, stillness, peace, charity.  These higher vibrations will uplift your psyche and you will notice a lighter spring to your step.  Things that you may have once looked at negatively will suddenly be seen in a new perspective. 

Do not judge.  Everyone has their own life and their own plight and nobody is better than anyone else.  Have compassion for your fellow man.  You never know exactly what is going on in someone’s life or their psyche. 

Stay in tune with your body and feed it nutritional food and drink that will improve its function, not wear it down.  Abstain from alcohol, tobacco, sugar, salt, and other chemicals that are unnatural and cause your body to work against itself as it tries to repair the damage caused by these elements. 

Meditate daily and pray often.  You can combine meditation with prayer if you so choose.  Believe.  Have faith.  Understand.  Respect.  Listen.  Show compassion.  Gain insight into the lives of others and guide them as needed.  Listen.  Breathe.  Be mindful and live in the NOW.  Amen.

Peace and Love Always ~ Laura with guidance from Franciscolean

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*excerpt from my book “Spiritual Guidance for the Physical World” available for purchase on Amazon: