Manifestation is easier than you think.  You can do, be or have whatever you want, but you have to believe it.  Belief is what makes it become a reality.  You must believe that it is so.  It is that simple. 

Belief is a strong characteristic.  It is knowing that something is going to happen or something is a certain way.  It is the magic that will create whatever you want in your life.  Belief with doubt will cause what you want to happen to be delayed, possibly indefinitely.  Doubt is what puts a wrench in the whole scenario. 

Once doubt is introduced, the belief ceases to exist.  Doubt allows resistance to be introduced which will place your focus in the opposite direction.  Everything starts to go backward and unravel at this point.  Don’t look at what is.  “What is” will only create more doubt.  

We will tell you that it is not easy.  If it was, there would be millions of people walking around as millionaires in the bodies of their dreams.  What happens is, when resistance is introduced through doubt and negative self-chatter that comes from Ego telling you it won’t happen or you aren’t deserving, it prevents what you want from arriving.  If you can tune into your Higher Spirit, it will tell you that you are worthy and capable of anything that you want. 

Focus on what can be and what will be by your belief.  Envision what you want.  Place your sights firmly on this vision.  Believe that it will be.  You will soon see the manifestation of this belief.  Don’t waver in your belief.  It takes belief, determination, and unwavering anticipation.  Anticipate what is coming. 

Peace and Love Always ~ Laura with guidance from Franciscolean

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*excerpt from my book “Spiritual Guidance for the Physical World” available for purchase on Amazon: