Go easy on yourself.  Don’t beat yourself up over mistakes or wrong choices in life.  Every mistake and every wrong choice has led you to where you are today.  Life is all about trial and error.  There is NEVER any failure.  NEVER ANY FAILURE.  YOU most certainly are NOT a failure. 

Life is about learning and growing and improving.  When you stop doing that, you have entered back into the spiritual form and spiritual world.  Follow your mistakes and wrong choices like stepping stones and allow them to guide you to the next part of your life experience.  Look at these moments as opportunities to grow and learn.  Don’t allow your Ego to chastise you or belittle you.  

Make sure that you learn from your mistakes and wrong choices so that you can overcome them and prevent them from reoccurring in the future. Everyone, and we mean EVERYONE, makes mistakes, and often what looks like a mistake becomes the greatest teacher of all.  Have faith.  Hope.  Desire.  Trust.  Belief.  Tenacity.  Willingness to grow.   Desire to learn.  Amen.

Peace and Love Always ~ Laura with guidance from Franciscolean

Visit my website for more guidance:  www.myempoweringlife.com

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*excerpt from my book “Spiritual Guidance for the Physical World” available for purchase on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1657808270