The Greatest Teachers in Life are Unwanted Experiences

Remember that with any adversity or challenge that you face, you have the strength within yourself to overcome it.  Go within to reach the strength that you need.  It is always the darkest before the dawn.  Lean on the people in your life that shine the light for you to follow in the darkness. 

The greatest teaching moments are the moments that have the greatest impact. Most often these are the moments that you find the most unpleasant. They make you take notice. They make you take a step back. They make you think. They make you strategize. Don’t be afraid of the challenging moments. Go boldly forward and live the experiences with open eyes and an open mind and look at them for growth and lessons. Everything is perspective.  CHOOSE to see every life experience in a positive light.  Life is intended for growth and evolution.  Every being naturally evolves with time.  Choose to consciously evolve.  Be mindful and focus.  Amen

excerpt from my book “Spiritual Guidance for the Physical World” available for purchase on in paperback: or in Kindle format: