Your lesson in life is to realize you can only control your emotions. Learn to go with the flow. Don’t resist. If something isn’t happening in the time that you want, then take a deep breath and accept the situation. Don’t try to force things. They will never turn out as smoothly as if you let them come naturally. Don’t try to control events, people or situations. Life experiences are organic. You cannot create them. You think that you can but, in reality, the experience has its own life and will react the way that it is intended to.
Lift others up with your light and love. There are many people that will need your guidance and soothing and your light to guide them through the darkness. These times are nothing to fear for the Love and Light of Divine Spirit are always surrounding you and the world. There is nothing that will harm this physical world. There is no fear that should be held onto. Fear is a lower vibration that the darker, denser energies live within. Come up to the light. Float above the darkness. This is where peace and love reside.
Take a moment to recognize your fellow man. Everyone is on their own journey with their own perspectives. Each journey is as unique as each person. Two creatures/being/individuals can have the exact same setup for the same experience but each one will have a different experience unique to them. Remember this. Be kind to others as you would want them to be kind to you. Love. Amen.