Finding your higher self

Meditation and prayer are avenues that can lead you to your higher self and Divine Spirit.  Adopting these daily practices will help you to live a more peaceful, grounded, mindful, grateful and enlightened life.  Tapping in to your higher self, allows you to ask for guidance and to ask the questions you want answers to.  All you have to do is ask and listen.

Guided meditations are a simple way to adopt a meditation routine.  Most often, you can find guided meditations that highlight the areas of your life that you are looking for relief or help with.  It doesn’t matter how long the meditation is.  It’s personal preference and what works for you.

Wake up every morning and give thanks.  Take a moment to appreciate your life, your surroundings and your blessings.  No matter how bleak your life may be at times, there is ALWAYS a shining light to give thanks for.  It is in the darkest times when we need to see the light the most.  Find the light and give thanks.

Time to pray more.  Time to meditate more.  Time to re-connect with Divine Spirit and your higher self.   You will reap the benefits.




2 thoughts on “Finding your higher self”

  1. Thank you Laura. .times I have my grandson it’s hard to meditate….but try to do it daily♡

  2. Thank you Laura. .times I have my grandson it’s hard to meditate….but try to do it daily♡

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